1600 Woodland Road
Abington, PA 19001
- Outstanding Faculty Advising/Mentoring Award, 2021
- Outstanding Service Award, 2015
- Outstanding Teacher Award, Penn State Abington, 2004; 2012
- Outstanding Educator Award, 1999
Community Involvement
- Penn State Abington Speaker’s Bureau
- Board of Directors of Growth Opportunity Center
Research Interests
Children's concepts of family, illness, death; Parent/child interaction; Neurobehavioral disorders (ADHD, OCD, Tourette Syndrome); Research ethics
Selected Publications
(2022) Against their Will: The secret history of medical experimentation on children in America, Allen M. Hornblum, Judith L. Newman, and Gregory Dober. Penna.: Oxford Southern/Sunbury Press.
(2013) Against their Will: The secret history of medical experimentation on children in Cold War America, Allen M. Hornblum, Judith L. Newman, and Gregory Dober. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
(2007) The Body in Action: Perspectives on Embodiment and Development. In W. Overton, U. Müeller, & J. L. Newman (Eds.), Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Conciousness (pp. 313-342). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, Temple University
Papers and Presentations
"Discovering Causes of Illness: History of models of disease parallels child's concept development" at the Annual Conference of the International Jean Piaget Society, “Putting Development back into Evolution”, Philadelphia, June 2022.
"Student activism and the removal of eponyms that glorify unethical researchers: Class projects with applied outcomes" at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Ethics across the Curriculum, University of Mississippi, Oxford, October 2022